Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What in the world??

This was a bulletin post by one of my myspace friends... please read...

"I'm not sure if anyone else was listening to Q107.5 this morning when Laddy was out by the U of M asking students who they were going to vote for in the upcoming election..I turned the radio on in just in time to hear him ask one girl the same question, "Who are you going to vote for?" The girl stated, "Obaaaama."..Laddy responded with, " That's cool, how do you feel about the fact that he has the first female running mate?" She replied, " I think it's awesome." Next question, "Do you think that it's incredibly respectable that your candidate was a P.O.W?" She replied, " I think it's amazing...really great"....The last question really got her. He asked her how she felt about her candidate being a die-hard Republican. The girl seemed stumped, and stated " Obama's not a republican."..... This only goes to show you that there are tons of people out there who are gonna vote on a candidate that they know nothing about...and that's scary....The conversation that I heard this morning was not only shocking, but sort of annoying, right??? If you're gonna vote...please know the facts about who you're voting for and the things that they stand for... Just Some of What Defines Barack Obama: For the girl on the radio and probably many others. He voted for partial birth abortion. He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government (quotas). In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing as being too severe. Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair. He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations. Opposed the Patriot Act. First bill he signed that was ever passed was campaign finance reform. Voted to allow law suits against gun manufacturers. Supports universal health-care. Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guatanamo detainees. Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants. Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform. Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. Wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'. Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes. (241 votes Demo, 10 votes Republican) Is a big believer in the separation of church and state. Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid into Soc. Sec. Tax Increase. He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax which now hits middle income brackets. Tax Increase. He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax. He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax. Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded. He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today."


Ok---- MY TURN--- Who wants to vote someone in as President who will go against all that our forefathers have fought for?! All that America has stood on for centuries? He has said we are not a Christian nation, he has said (accidentally) that he is Muslim, he wants to hold conferences with all Muslim nations?! AHHHHHHHHHHH COME ON. I would say that 99 percent of people voting for Obama have NO idea what he lives for, what his intentions are, and what he will REALLY do to this nation. If you are going to vote for him, please study up first!

This is the Land of the Free--- I intend to vote for someone that will KEEP it the Land of the Free--- not someone who promises CHANGE... making it sound good... when really... he is just using "hopenosis" on a tired, wore out, country to win their votes! He cannot and will not save this country...... in the words of Amber Collins... THERE IS NO OBAMESSIAH. It's a mask.

I am not condemning Barack, that is for sure... I pray for him daily... BUT, I am not going to sit back and let people BLINDLY follow someone who is leading them on a road to disaster.

He needs prayer, please pray that God would capture his heart and turn it towards him!


AmberDenae said...

Wow, that was very interesting to read and quite terrifying!!

You're so right, everything you said was right on.

We need to pray, big time.

I love you!!!

AmberDenae said...


Why don't you blog anymore!?!



AmberDenae said...

Lil missy, you need to UPDATE asap!